
  • Heed the Will Of the People
  • To the Editor: The elections of fall 2010 have long been over, and the new members of Congress have been in their seats since January. Nevertheless, it still appears that there are openly hostile relations between various members of Congress and the two political parties as a whole. This comes at the expense of the great citizens of this fine country, who want and need to be more involved with the decision making of our nation, above and beyond merely voting for those who will make all of the decisions, which is very little power indeed. Read the Rest...

  • An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth
  • An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth Posted on June 3, 2011 by Admin Read the Rest...

  • This is not remotely initiative ‘reform’
  • Should California’s initiative process be improved? Sure. There are plenty of good ideas worth considering. Financial backers of proposed measures could be identified more quickly and thoroughly. More thorough vetting of proposals might lead to fewer surprises or legal reversals after adoption. Safeguards that guarantee a more neutral approach to the crafting of ballot language make sense. Read the Rest...

  • Direct democracy for a better nation
  • Dear Editor The elections of fall 2010 have long been over, and the new members of Congress have been in their seats since January. Nevertheless, it still appears that there are openly hostile relations between various members of Congress and the two political parties as a whole. This comes at the expense of the great citizens of this fine country, who want and need to be more involved with the decision making of our nation, above and beyond merely voting for those who will make all of the decisions, which is very little power indeed. Read the Rest...

  • Viewpoints: Celebrate our initiative process by improving its transparency
  • Viewpoints: Celebrate our initiative process by improving its transparency By Kim Alexander Special to The Bee Read the Rest...

  • Big Businesses Back Ballot Initiatives in Upcoming Elections
  • As the 2011 election cycle heats up, there are renewed calls to rein in the initiative process. Now 100 years old in some states, citizen initiatives have had enormous impact across the United States. This form of direct democracy has tackled everything from tax cuts to prohibition, the eight-hour work day and abortion rights. But critics contend it’s been hijacked by big-money special interest groups. Read the Rest...

  • US congress has been ‘dysfunctional for a long time’
  • A former U.S. Senator and Democratic presidential candidate says the U.S. Congress is dysfunctional. Mike Gravel says the dysfunctionality is something that has been with the American people for a long long time. Read the Rest...

  • Relax. Here are three easy ways to fix Congress
  • By Curtis Robinson Aug 06, 2011 12:00 am   Okay, we’ll need to recap the week before moving into a quick review of the Big Ideas to Fix Everything. Read the Rest...

  • Direct democracy online
  • Direct democracy online This is in reference to “Voter ID laws hurting our democracy.” In ancient Greece there was direct democracy. All the people of Athens gathered into the great hall and voted on issues before them. As countries grew from small city-states into massive entities this sort of direct democracy became impossible.   The Internet has now brought us full circle.   Read the Rest...

  • Is California’s ballot initiative process broken? Lawmakers think so.
  • California’s experiment in direct democracy – where citizens pass laws by voting on initiatives and referendums, sidestepping the legislature entirely – is facing three new reforms. Read the Rest...