Even though some are predicting the end of the world in 2012, there is a possibility it could turn out better than 2011 (a low bar). Many people who are not part of the political class continue to advance civilization and make things better for us — like the late Steve Jobs.
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What has Occupy Wall Street accomplished? Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ted Deutch introduced a constitutional amendment to revoke corporate personhood. What's corporate personhood? Unbelievably, our federal court system decided that corporations have the same rights as people. They can own property, make TV commercials, and spend vast amounts of money buying politicians and elections. Despite the fact that corporations are people who do not eat, sleep, die, pay a fair share of taxes or get drafted in time of war. Revoke corporate personhood. Read the Rest...
After a tumultuous 2011 in which many of the trends we had forecast became headline news around the world, we are now forewarning of an even more tumultuous year to come.
While it would give us great pleasure to forecast a 2012 of joy and prosperity – all brought about by the wisdom and benevolence of our fearless leaders – since we are not running for office or looking to profit by gulling the people, we tell it as we see it in our 12 Top Trends 2012. Read the Rest...
I recently attended the daily general assembly meeting of Occupy Albany. These meetings, led by a team of skilled facilitators, occur at 5:30 p.m. There was noisy, rush hour traffic. It was cold, dark and raining.
And yet, despite an environment less than conducive to a productive meeting, what I experienced in the next hour was both inspiring and fun. It got me reflecting on how we might all benefit from the broader use of some of the consensus building and direct democracy techniques employed in the Occupy movement across the country. Read the Rest...
In light of recent political events such as the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements, it is more than clear that both sides of the political spectrum are just a teensy bit annoyed with our government officials.
That's a pretty big understatement.
The moment is right for some serious conversations about whether or not we should make drastic changes to our political system.
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I am glad to see the effort of Occupy Greenville toward having a leaderless organization. If this occupation is to be successful, it must remain in the spirit of direct democracy. Movements like this are a struggle, and the focus should not be on what politician to elect or making demands this early, but to build the movement utilizing direct democracy and to hold educational meetings of which we all contribute. Read the Rest...