
  • Mike Gravel endorses Eric Sundwall
  • Mike Gravel served as a Democratic US Senator from Alaska from 1969-1981. In 2008, he ran a campaign for President in the Democratic and Libertarian Parties. Since then he has endorsed Independents, Greens, and Libertarians who endorse his National Initiative. Those people have included Neil Keirnan Stephenson (L-MI) and Jesse Johnson (G-WV). Now Gravel has endorses Eric Sundwall (L-NY) too, in his special election for Congress in the 21st District. What follows is the entire endorsement statement:   Read the Rest...

  • Show 24: Mike Gravel Part I
  • Eric Sundwall talks with former Senator Mike Gravel who is now seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President. Read the Rest...

  • Time for state to adopt citizen initiatives
  • After seeing year after year go by without more progressive ideas coming out of our Legislature (e.g., failing to fund completion of I-49), I have come to the conclusion that it is time for Louisiana to adopt citizen approved initiatives. Read the Rest...

  • First 100 Days: Harness the genie of citizen engagement
  • Don Tapscott is chairman of the think tank nGenera Insight and the author of 13 books on the impact of the Internet on society. Read the Rest...

  • A Gravel-ly Voice on Change
  • He's still hereMike Gravel won't go away. The fringe Democratic presidential candidate turned fringe libertarian candidate thundered away Thursday morning at the National Press Club, as he joined a panel brought together by the Citizens in Charge Foundation."The people intuitively know they’re being screwed," spouted Gravel. Read the Rest...

  • Obama presidency: the dangers of bypassing traditional media
  • The Obama presidency has already shown itself to be far more Internet-savvy and open to communicating directly with the people.  The "YouTube president," as many are already calling him, made significant use of what the New York Times called his  "YouTubing-Facebooking-texting-Twittering grass-roots organization," during the campaign and his team are looking into how these new media can be used by the administ Read the Rest...

  • Delaware Bill to Establish Initiative Process
  • Delaware Senator David McBride (D-Hawks Nest) has introduced SB 12, a proposed constitutional amendment to set up a state initiative process. Delaware has never had the initiative for state laws. No state has added the initiative process since Mississippi did so in the early 1980’s. Read the Rest...

  • From The Archives: Chicagoist Interviews Pat Quinn
  • As we prepare for Pat Quinn to be sworn in as the 41st Governor of Illinois upon Gov. Blagojevich's impending removal, we thought we'd dig back into the vaults for this interview. Kevin Robinson sat down with Quinn in April 2007. Read the Rest...

  • Paradigmatic Revolution: Is President Obama Ready to Talk the Walk?
  • Paradigmatic Revolution:  Is President Obama Ready to Talk the Walk? by Dr. Robert D. Crane We have now had two presidents in the past generation who had difficulty with what No. 41 called “this vision thing,” which was totally beyond his capacity to comprehend.  We have had three presidents, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton, who had some holistic direction other than pragmatic compromise or might makes right. Read the Rest...

 JANUS This being an election year it's an appropriate time to think about our wonderful democracy, its origins, great powers, rewards and its problems. Christopher Janus I have written this column with the help of the excellent reference department of the Wilmette Public Library and lengthy discussions with Professor John N. Kalaras, the president's educational adviser and UNESCO's 1999 Professor of the Year. Read the Rest...