PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) has just released a 37-page study of voter registration. It recommends that the United States switch to a system in which voters are registered automatically, an idea already in place in Canada. PIRG hopes to eventually have such a bill introduced in Congress. Read the Rest...
Pundits of all political persuasions agree that Barak Hossein Obama has been elected to the U.S. presidency at a crucial time that comes at most once in a generation. The scope and breadth of the problems, both domestic and foreign, come perhaps once a century. The question is whether American politics will foster or hinder what could amount to a Second American Revolution. Read the Rest...
The Rose Institute, in conjunction with Claremont McKenna College Professor Ken Miller, would like to announce the recent launch of Miller-Rose Institute Initiative Database at http://initiatives.rosereport.org/. The database lists all successful citizen-driven ballot initiatives in the twenty four states where they are permitted. The database holds great promise for research in the area of direct democracy in the United States. Read the Rest...
I had the pleasure on Monday of being on a panel with Akhil Reed Amar, the Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale, author of “America’s Constitution: A Biography” (Random House, 2005), and, for a few more weeks, a visiting professor at Harvard Law School. The panel was sponsored by the student chapter of the American Constitution Society, the center-left adversary of the hard-right Federalist Society.
Our topic, it will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog to hear, was the National Popular Vote plan. Read the Rest...
In the special congressional election on April 7th, Green party candidate Matt Reichel came in third out of three, getting about 7 percent of the vote. Reichel endorsed the National Initiative and Mike Gravel endorsed Reichel.As voter’s trickled into the polls Tuesday to vote in the 5th District Congressional race, Green Party candidate Matt Reichel was hoping the meager turnout would improve his chances for an upset over his heavily favored Democratic opponent. Read the Rest...
This Saturday I depart for Seoul to begin a speaking tour of universities in hopes of generating interest in the Korean National Initiative and jump starting a campaign to get it enacted by the people of S Korea. I am giving myself two months to test whether their is sufficient political will with the Korean people to empower themselves to make laws.If their is sufficient response I will stay in Korea until an election is held. Success here will establish a new governance model to be emulated around the world including the United States. Read the Rest...
This session the Oregon House has an opportunity to move on legislation to help put citizens back in the center of our state's citizen initiative process.
House Bill 2895 calls for the creation of citizen panels comprised of voters from across the state, who will review measures that have qualified for the ballot and report their findings to voters statewide. The proposal is aptly named the Citizens' Initiative Review. Read the Rest...
On March 26, 2009, I felt a sense of generational pride in my government. President Obama was testing out an excitingly new means of representation by addressing public qualms and quandaries of the people via an online white house forum. That's right, the internet. Now I'm not old enough to remember a time when the internet didn't exist, a fact that has greatly influenced my generation. For better or worse, this is a fact that I am proud of, as it marks the end of accepted authority. Read the Rest...
From the Matt Reichel Campaign: We have exciting news to share! Former senator Mike Gravel of Alaska has endorses Matt Reichel for Congress! This high-profile endorsement from a political figure on the national stage is a major boost to our already dizzying campaign. Here is Mr. Gravel in his own words: “I am happy to offer my endorsement of Matt Reichel in the special congressional election in Illinois’s fifth congressional district. Matt is the best choice for the fifth district, and he needs your help to get elected. Read the Rest...
"The filibuster is a tool you can use, for good or for ill. The Dixiecrats used it for bad reasons -- to delay civil rights legislation. I used it for good -- to end the Vietnam War."
Washington, D.C. - infoZine - Mike Gravelmg at mikegravel dot us ) is a former two-term senator from Alaska who ran for president last year. He is author of the book "A Political Odyssey."
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