
  • America is a democracy after all
  • In reply to Barry Light's letter "Dems Not Delivering" (Jan. 16), I'd like to remind Mr. Light and everyone else that the Ninth and 10th Amendments to the Constitution reserve ultimate power to the people - not to our politicians. That means we are not powerless against the minority elite who think they run things. Read the Rest...

  • Mr. Obama, Do You Believe Us Now?
  • I read about how outraged President Obama was with the Supreme Court ruling that allowed corporate money into the election campaigns without limits. I too am outraged. This country, for decades has been run by special interests for special interests, the public be damned. That includes Barack Obama’s Administration and the current Congress. Read the Rest...

  • Ball State employee schedules Gravel to speak on campus
  • Former Sen. Mike Gravel will be coming to Ball State University. The university announced Wednesday that Gravel will be on-campus Feb. 15 to give a lecture on his most recent campaign, the National Initiative for Democracy, and have an open question session. Graham Watson, Web development specialist for Ball State, said he booked the former senator because he wanted the university and Muncie community to learn about the campaign. Read the Rest...

  • Gravel’s Lament: Fighting Another Dumb War
  • Gravel’s Lament: Fighting Another Dumb War Posted on Dec 13, 2009 By Chris Hedges Editor’s note: Video of Gravel’s speech can be found on Page 2. Read the Rest...

  • Direct democracy generates sound policy
  • By ANDREA NEAL Indiana voters are getting a taste of direct democracy thanks to a 2008 referenda law, and so far so good. The law lets the electorate approve expensive capital projects and certain tax rates at the school and local government level. Early results show voters can and do discriminate between what they think is nice and what they think is necessary -- and that's exactly how public policy should be made. Read the Rest...

  • Why Switzerland Is Still Free and America Is Not
  • The American Time magazine article headline asks, "Will Switzerland Vote to Ban Minarets on Mosques?" Read the Rest...

  • Obama, Does It Take Winning A Nobel To Get An Email From You? What #Obamashould Do
  • Editor’s note: Below is an open letter to our President from guest author Edo Segal, a concerned web geek who cares about the future of our democracy. It is followed by a proposal and a new website for anyone who thinks they know what #obamashould do (cynics please skip post). Mr President, Read the Rest...

  • Sotomayor Issues Challenge to a Century of Corporate Law
  • WASHINGTON -- In her maiden Supreme Court appearance last week, Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a provocative comment that probed the foundations of corporate law. During arguments in a campaign-finance case, the court's majority conservatives seemed persuaded that corporations have broad First Amendment rights and that recent precedents upholding limits on corporate political spending should be overruled. Read the Rest...

  • Democracy 2.0 Awaits an Upgrade
  • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — Perhaps the biggest big idea that gathered speed during the last millennium was that we humans might govern ourselves. But no one really meant it. What was really meant in most places was that we would elect people to govern us and sporadically renew or revoke their contracts. It was enough. There was no practicable way to involve all of us, all the time. Read the Rest...

  • To Reform Albany: Start Here
  • Albany’s corruption and incompetence have reached epic proportions this year. The only real hope of fixing things is if voters in New York State elect a new, truly reform-minded generation of politicians. Right now, the rules — on campaign finance, redistricting, even ballot access — overwhelmingly discourage competition. The good news is that New Yorkers are fed up. If legislators and Gov. David Paterson want to hold on to their seats, they must prove their commitment to reform by making elections truly competitive. Read the Rest...