
  • What Happened in Bolivia This Week Could Save Our Failing Democracies
  • It was 11 am and Evo Morales had turned a football stadium into a giant classroom, marshaling an array of props: paper plates, plastic cups, disposable raincoats, handcrafted gourds, wooden plates and multicolored ponchos. All came into play to make his main point: to fight climate change, "we need to recover the values of the indigenous people." Read the Rest...

  • LOYAL DISSENTER: We should move toward direct democracy
  • I usually don’t argue semantics, but in this case, it makes all the difference. Alpine School District in Utah has recently witnessed a heated debate about a word in the district’s mission statement. The statement includes the phrase “Educating all students to ensure the future of our democracy.” Concerned parents worry about the use of the word “democracy” in the mission statement. These parents rightly argue that our nation is not a democracy, but, rather, a republic. Read the Rest...

  • Kirkpatrick Sale on the secession of “Katuah”
  • Secession activist Kirkpatrick Sale will speak on "bioregional liberty and the proper care of the land" at Firestorm Café in downtown Asheville and at UNCA on Friday, April 9. The talk at Firestorm — billed as "Secession is in the Air" — begins at 5 p.m. Sale will continue the conversation at UNCA as part of student-sponsored Greenfest activities, speaking on "Bioregionalism: Your Home As Your Country," at 7 p.m. in the Alumni Hall at the Highsmith University Union. Read the Rest...

  • Critque of 2012: Libertarians
  • Critque of 2012: Libertarians My thoughts by Jay Wendt (centrist) Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Read the Rest...

  • Get beyond rhetoric, take back government
  • Get beyond rhetoric, take back government (Last updated: 04/05/10 7:03pm) As I approach the final month of my undergraduate career at MSU, like so many others, I am reminded of the things since my freshman year. The experiences I have gone through will no doubt impact the rest of my life — whether positive or negative. Read the Rest...

  • U.S. should become direct democracy
  • Is it time for America to become a true democracy? Government by representation is failing the American people. Our representatives are not listening to the people they represent. If you write your representative, you receive no reply or a generic reply written by an aide with no content. If we eliminate our representatives, Americans can save billions of dollars, if not trillions, that are being spent on private jets, pork barrel projects and special interest deals. Read the Rest...

  • Guest column: Gravel’s road
  • Guest column: Gravel's road   By Jon Saltzman   Published: Monday, March 1, 2010 Updated: Monday, March 1, 2010 Read the Rest...

  • Gravel talks about views, comedy show
  • Former Alaska senator and 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel spoke Monday night at Pruis to promote the National Initiative for Democracy and his upcoming comedy TV show. Gravel’s main focus was the importance of national ballot initiatives to ensure that governmental power goes to the citizens instead of politicians or corporate interests. Read the Rest...

  • O’Connor: It’s time to elevate digital democracy
  • Disgusted with the news, yet?   Heard enough about the sex-capades of politicians and celebrities? Mad about bankers, credit card companies, bailouts and the stimulus yet? Government debt got you down? You are not alone. According to a new Rasmussen poll, 75 percent of all Americans are angry about current government policies. Read the Rest...

  • When Democratization fails to benefit society
  • The Rebel Yell / Opinion / When Democratization fails to benefit society Read the Rest...